Tag Archives: XAML Designer

Visual Studio XAML Designer bug : ‘The type ” from assembly ” is built with an older version of the Blend SDK, and is not supported in a Windows Presentation Framework 4 project.’

WPF 를 사용하다보면 아래와 같은 에러를 내뿜으며 XAML Designer가 뻗는 경우가 있다. The type ‘[]’ from assembly ‘[]’ is built with an older version of the Blend SDK, and is not supported in a Windows Presentation Framework 4 project. 원인은 System.Windows.Interactivity.dll 파일과 Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll 파일 때문! 해결책 : Developer Command Prompt for VS 201x 를 관리자 권한으로 실행 gacutil -i “C:\Program… Read more »